Warrenton Therapeutic Massage
Relax Rejuvenate Renew

Tips for self care

Simple things to do in between your massage sessions to increase a positive result


     Staying hydrated helps to regulate body temperature, support lubrication of the joints, works to prevent infections, supports nutrients being delivered to the cells and helps organs to function properly.  Proper hydration also helps encourage and improve brain function, quality of sleep, and may lead to a positive disposition. Dehydration can leave you feeling stiff, fatigued, and uncomfortable.


     Everything we do and everything in our bodies relies on oxygen.  Increased brain clarity and function, as well improved regulation/efficiency of digestion are 2 of the many benefits of conscious breathing.  Shallow breathing can not only tighten the muscles around the ribs resulting in pain and cramping but can also lead to increased stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. Improving your breath awareness can help you sleep better, help engage your immune response, and lower your stress/anxiety levels.  Ready to start? Take 3 deep breaths and focus on lengthening your exhales.


     Whether it be reminding yourself to roll your shoulders back and down, a 30 min walk a couple times a week, or a dedicated stretching/strengthening routine, start moving now! Moving helps improve the flow of lymph and encourages range of motion, flexibility, and health in not only the physical body but mental and emotional as well.  An increase in physical activity can lead to improved sleep, better mood, and overall sense of ease when performing daily activities.